H2R in Action


The story behind packaging that’s ‘Not Yet Recycled’

There are a number of packages in the marketplace today that bear How2Recycle’s “Not Yet Recycled” message. To many who read that message, it...

Here's How2Recycle Orville Redenbacher popcorn

Here’s a quick play-by-play about how to recycle this product by following the How2Recycle label. How2Recycle is designed to make recycling...

FTC Compliance & Substantiating Data

In the United States, if you’re a professional dealing with any form of environmental marketing claims, the government’s take on what you say is...

Conversation about current challenges in the recycling industry

I'm not usually a talk radio person, but a talk radio show has very much caught my attention recently. Last week, The Diane Rehm Show on National...

Target & How2Recycle

Target’s Kim Carswell explains why the retail giant decided to join the How2Recycle program Kim Carswell, Senior...

The Myth of Non-Existent Recycling Markets

This past weekend, the drop-off recycling center in GreenBlue’s hometown of Charlottesville, VA informed residents that, due to a lack of re-sale...

The “Plastic Numbers" Get a Makeover

Resin Identification Codes (RICs), also known as the “plastic numbers” or “recycling numbers,” are getting a makeover. Contrary to...

How2Recycle Sponsorships Now Available for Store Drop-off Labels

The Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) is happy to announce an offer of financial sponsorships for use of the How2Recycle “Store...