H2R in Action


Compostable Packaging Label System Coming Soon

While consumer interest in composting is on the rise, composting is still relatively new to Americans. Contamination is currently one of the...

Welcome to the new How2Recycle.info

We’ve redesigned our online experience with you in mind. We are delighted to announce the launch of our new How2Recycle website,...

Why the "recycling numbers" don't mean quite what you think they mean

You know on plastic packaging, sometimes you’ll see a number on the bottom? And how most people think it means that the package is recyclable? Or...

The story behind packaging that’s ‘Not Yet Recycled’

There are a number of packages in the marketplace today that bear How2Recycle’s “Not Yet Recycled” message. To many who read that message, it...

Here's How2Recycle Orville Redenbacher popcorn

Here’s a quick play-by-play about how to recycle this product by following the How2Recycle label. How2Recycle is designed to make recycling...

FTC Compliance & Substantiating Data

In the United States, if you’re a professional dealing with any form of environmental marketing claims, the government’s take on what you say is...

Conversation about current challenges in the recycling industry

I'm not usually a talk radio person, but a talk radio show has very much caught my attention recently. Last week, The Diane Rehm Show on National...

Target & How2Recycle

Target’s Kim Carswell explains why the retail giant decided to join the How2Recycle program Kim Carswell, Senior...