H2R in Action

The latest How2Recycle Consumer Survey Report is here!

Each year, the general public improves their recycling habits from How2Recycle labels. In turn, the How2Recycle program gains more feedback from consumers, continuing to learn more about consumer behavior and opinions around recycling. How2Recycle has just released the 2020 Consumer Survey Report, compiling information from the consumer survey available on How2Recycle's website here. How2Recycle looked at 8,863 responses from February 2012 (when the survey was launched) through December 31, 2019, and found the following: 

  • 70% of respondents said they will change their recycling behavior as a result of How2Recycle labels. This is a 9% increase from the previous year.
  • 84% of respondents said they are or might be more likely to purchase a product with the How2Recycle label.
  • Even on packaging that is labeled as Not Yet Recyclable, 83% of consumers maintained a positive impression of the brand because they believe the company is being honest and transparent.

For more in depth analysis, click here to view the full report. 

Thank you for another year of recycling more, and better.

How2Recycle Team

How2Recycle Team

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