H2R in Action

Welcome to the new How2Recycle.info

We’ve redesigned our online experience with you in mind.

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new How2Recycle website, www.How2Recycle.info. Our revamped website has expanded to bring you more in-depth information about our labels, blogs and articles on the latest How2Recycle announcements, and more information on how brands can become a How2Recycle member. As the most widely-trusted on-package source for clear, concise packaging recycling information, we designed our new website with educating the public in mind.

So what’s new?

The Look

Our new web experience is fresh and easy to navigate. Whether you want to cut to the chase and find out what to do with a package in your hand, or expand your recycling knowledge, www.How2Recycle.info can help.


Labels page

Learn more about the labels you see on packaging with our new Labels page. From top to bottom, we explain how to read the labels you most frequently see, and you’ll tell just how much information we’re able to convey to you in a beautifully simple label design.


On our new website you’ll find prominent and easy-to-use social sharing tools with all of our blog content.

Mobile and Tablet

Later this year, How2Recycle will launch an exciting new extension to our website. Check back in the coming months as we build a dynamic recycling knowledge tool.

Thank you for being a part of the How2Recycle community, and as always we welcome your feedback.

How2Recycle Team

How2Recycle Team

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